Friday, March 31, 2006

The Top 10 weirdest keyboards ever - Fosfor Gadgets

I know I've blogged about weird keyboards before, so why not again? :)

The Top 10 weirdest keyboards ever - Fosfor Gadgets

I think #6 looks interesting, and I wouldn't mind trying it once, but for normal use? No thanks.

A couple coworkers have bad wrist problems and have keyboard #8.

What am I using right now? A Microsoft Ergonomic 4000.
It's relatively similar to the original Microsoft Natural, but the key layout is slightly modified -- more relaxed I guess. I like the sexy-black color and the soft foamy wrist wrest. I'm not sure about all the extra buttons on the keyboard though. At least they're kept to a relative minimum, and are out of the way, on this keyboard.


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1 comment:

Lori Burton said...

Lovely ppost